Return Policy
Return Policy
If you aren't 100% satisfied with your order, you can return it to us for a refund or exchange within 30 days of delivery. All returned items must be in their original packaging with the tags attached and be in new, unworn, and unwashed condition.
If the original packaging or box is damaged, the return will be subject to a repackaging fee of $5. If for any reason the returned item is not in its original condition, a 15% restocking fee will be deducted from the refunded amount.
Processing time can take 8-10 days to arrive to our warehouse. Once the return is delivered to us, it can take up to 7-10 business days for our returns department to process the return and issue the refund or place the exchange order. We will contact you by email as soon as your returned item is processed.
If you request a refund, a confirmation of the refund will be emailed to you. We issue refunds immediately, but it may take your financial institution 2-3 days to post the funds to your account. Please note that any shipping fees paid on your original order are non-refundable.
If you requested an exchange, a copy of your new order will be emailed to you. If the exchange item is not currently in stock, that item will be placed on order and shipped as soon as we receive it from the vendor. We cover the cost of shipping your new item to you.
Defective Items
If you believe the product you received could be defective, please contact our Customer Service department before returning the item at 817-966-1651. Once the item has been examined by our product experts, we will determine if we are able to make a replacement order or issue a refund. While we are unable to guarantee an outcome, we will do our best to reach a conclusion as quickly as possible.